Premium Features
Explore a range of cutting-edge features designed to enhance your experience:
- Square to Rhythm Shooting (Auto Tempo): Fixed post-patch and now performs better than ever.
- RS to Rhythm Shooting (Auto Tempo): Seamless integration for improved gameplay.
- Auto Green: Optimized for Catch & Shoot (C&S) and fades only.
- Dunk Meter: Available mappings for L3, R3, and L1.
- Release Vibrate: Feedback for Square to Rhythm Shooting (Auto Tempo). Future updates will refine this even more!
Adjustable Variants
- Standing shooting.
- Fading.
- Tempo stick.
- Auto Green for standing shooting and fades.
Advanced Features
- Defense Booster: Enhance your defensive plays with this powerful feature.
- Quickstop: Now includes two modes:
- Auto Mode: Auto quickstops when pressing Square (cannot fade).
- Manual Mode: Quickstop w/ L2+R2+Square makes you fade freely.
- Curry Spam: Escape/Size-Up Spam now has 3 Modes:
- R2+L3 for auto spam.
- R2+R3 for auto spam.
- Manual RS Mode: No need to release R2 for seamless combos, making you faster on the court.
- Hesi Spam: Two modes, L3 and R3, now sync with Auto Curry Spam.
- BTB Spam: Mapped to R2+Down D-Pad for easy execution.